Jeremy Michael Van Meter
DOB: 10/30/79
Missing: 09/01/2006
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 155
Missing From: Mason, WV
Jeremy Michael Van Meter is missing from Mason, WV. He has a birthmark on his left ear. His left ear is also pierced. He has a 1/4 inch scar on his ear as well as a scar over his left eyebrow. He has three tattoos; right arm: black cover-up, back, and left arm: chineese writing. He also has a tounge ring.
Jeremy also is wanted and has a capias for failure to appear reference states motion to revoke probation from January, 5, 2007.
Anyone having information should contact:
West Virginia State Police: Sgt. E. B. Starcher (304)-675-0850