The Legal Division of the West Virginia State Police consists of two Assistant Attorney Generals that represent the Department in various legal matters and assist with the training and education of law-enforcement personnel at the State Police Academy.
The State Police Legal Division cannot provide legal assistance to non-State Police members or employees.
Telephone: (304) 746-2100
Fax: (304) 746-2421
Freedom of Information Act Requests
For requests to inspect or copy public records pursuant to the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act, W.Va. Code §29B-1-1 et. al., please write to:
725 Jefferson Road
South Charleston, WV 25309-1698
OR Fax: 304-746-2246
For copies of the West Virginia State Police Administrative Rule dealing with the Act, please contact the
Secretary of State Administrative Law Division at 304-558-6000
United States Supreme Court
West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals
West Virginia Attorney General
West Virginia Prosecuting Attorneys Institute
West Virginia State Bar
Find Law